Staging by Claire Heggen
Upcoming performances
// April 5 2019 – Avrillé
// April 6 – Culture service of Changé
Création 2014
In an abandoned space, possibly a shore, three cases pull in from who knows where.
Three characters get out whose gestures are odd, to say the least.
Their language is music at first : music made up of words lacking sense, sentences devoid of meaning. Several metaphoric materials resonate, underlining the absurdity of the situation.
With the aid of an imaginary map and a few planks, they set out now transformed into veritable adventurers of lost time.
Their expedition leads them within sight of another real world.
Innocent before vestiges of computer technology, like children they get drawn into playing “office”. But the pace quickens, the machines crackle and the clamor swells up ; submerged in a sonorous space and perched upon a makeshift raft, they seem to be expecting an imminent end.
Suddenly, a woman’s voice beckons them to a distant world, strange, inaccessible perhaps…
From there, each one in his own way will see the end to his wandering and no one will know whether their voyage is our own…
Any public
Duration : 1:20
Photo credit : Sandrine Penda
Teaser of the show
From the musical texts of Georges Aperghis
Coproduction Théâtre du Mouvement & La Mecànica
With Pau Bachero, Albert Mèlich, Alejandro Navarro
Music Richard Dubelski
Lights Etienne Dousselin
Costume Jean-Jacques Delmotte
The DVD of the show is available for sale
>> more informations
In the press
“Yet another fleeting hour : three extraordinary clowns acrobats! This visual show for three clowns acrobats is prodigiously inventive. Claire Heggen has worked with the composer George Aperghis to create a musical score made of syllables and sounds, only with the three clowns voices interpreting. It’s a symphony of words, an invented language, through which, we can capture at times some expressions. Pau Bachero, Albert Mélich, Alejandro Navarro are three great performers of circus. Acrobats able to perform contortions into small-sized cubes. They are impressive, clowns, mimes, musicians and acrobats all at once. They don’t save their energy – always on the move. They are on the string, levitating, in instability. We rock with them, we shiver with their vertiginous falls while us and them are magically caught up by the scenic elements.
There is no down time. This show is technically very rich, its dramaturgy is constantly evolving. The three artists play with the objects, give them life, as for those paper sheet which they frantically wrinkle.” Stephane Capron – Sceneweb / July 2016