Theatricality of Mouvement

Duration : 1h30
Public : All audiences
Language : French and English

By Claire Heggen and/or Yves Marc

*This conference/demonstration, invites the spectator to a journey through the various research themes that the company Théâtre du mouvement has conducted for more than 40 years: the animality, the displacement of the masks on the body, the musicality of the movement, the human walk, the body/object/puppet relationship, the expression of thought and emotions, etc.
It is the occasion to define the notion of theatricality specific to the company and to show its evolution in a contemporary vision of the Arts of mime and gesture.

It evokes the filiations of the name Theatre of the movement, its filiations, its utopia of actor, the body envisaged as the first material, its use of the virtues of the mask, of the silence, of the patience, of the figure rather than of the character, its search for an aesthetic of the presence and the way, finally, the rejection of the history or the a priori scenario for a scenario that appears a posteriori, etc.

Claire Heggen presents a montage of photos, video extracts, technical demonstrations as well as excerpts from pieces, including some of her works.

Photo credit : David Schaffer