Conference – demonstration by Claire Heggen
But what is essential at the bottom to know if Craig decides for the puppet or the human body? If the puppet is at least the image of the ideal actor, it is thus necessary to try to acquire the virtues of the ideal puppet. However, one can acquire them only as a practitioner an adequate gymnastics with the discounted function and that leads us to mimes known as body. Etienne Decroux, Words on mimes.

How a enigma, on–puppet of E.G. Craig, meeting and enriches it the development by a Utopia of actor: mimes it body and dramatic of E. Decroux?
Claire Heggen, former student of E. Decroux, actress, director and professor at the École Nationale Supérieure of Arts of the Puppet, evokes the influence of this Utopia on his research in connection with the reciprocal relations of the body and the object–marionnettique, and more generally on his artistic advance, within the company of the Theatre of the Movement, of which it is Co–director with Yves Marc.
This talk will be enamelled videos, extracts of shows of the Theatre of the Movement and some technical demonstrations.
Length : 1h30
Language : French and English
Information & reservations 05 53 53 18 71
Dans la presse
Paula Gomez – Théâtre Actu / Octobre 2017
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Photo credit : David Schaffer